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Munich Malt Viking

216 På lager

Munich Malt fra Vikingmalt

EBC 16 - 20

Munich Malt is ideal malt for dark lagers, festival beers and bocks for underlining malty flavours and full bodied taste. The decreased enzyme activities have to be taken into consideration when designing the brewing recipe.


moisture % max. 4.5

extract fine % dm min. 78

FAN mg/l min. 120

protein % dm max. 11.5 s

accharification min max 20

viscosity mPas mx 1.7

Diastatic power WK dm min 150


Pris pr kg.



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Viking Malt produces malt in modern malt houses in Finland (Lahti), Lithuania (Panevezys) and Sweden (Halmstad). Viking Malt is owned by Finnish Polttimo and Lantmännen Group (owned by 42,000 Swedish Farmers). Viking Malt is a progressive grain processing company supplying 360,000 tons of malt and services annually to breweries and distilleries in Northern Europe and to selected users on the world market.

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